The WARDROBE CLEANSE package is designed to RE-ORGANISE your wardrobe by editing out the pieces that no longer suit your shape or lifestyle, Identifying items that are missing &/or would compliment your current wardrobeand STYLING your wardrobe, so you can get dressed quickly, easily and with confidence.



The ULTIMATE package, the STYLE MAKEOVER  package is designed to enhance & redefine your existing style by reorganising your wardrobe & complimenting your existing clothes with fabulous basics or new season trends. 

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The PERSONAL SHOPPING package is designed for those that can “never seem to find what they’re looking for” or don’t have the time, interest or inclination to go shopping. Georgie will take the frustration & stress out of shopping by providing guidance or brands & styles that suit your body shape and budget.


The packaged is designed for those who require assistance selecting and styling an outfit for a special occasion. 

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I want my clients to feel confidence and empowerment through personal style
— Georgie George